Class: com.sybase.djc.ant.AsynchronousProperty (Asynchronous Property) EAServer 6.3 Help
Description This property is used to configure asynchronous EJB methods

Configuration is achieved using an XML (Ant) configuration script, such as the following:

  <target name="configure-user">

    <echo level="info" message="configure: ejbjar-ejbasync-user"/>

    <setProperties component="ejb.components.ejbasync.AsyncSBSLRemote" merge="true">
      <asynchronous method="asyncA(java.lang.String, int)" queue="EjbAsyncQueue"/>
      <asynchronous method="asyncB(java.lang.String, int)" queue="EjbAsyncQueue"/>
      <asynchronous method="asyncA(java.lang.String, int)"/>
      <asynchronous method="asyncB(java.lang.String, int)"/>

This example assumes the prior deployment of an EJB-JAR file named ejbasync.jar. The above script would be placed in file sybase-ejbjar-config.xml in the META-INF of you EJB jar, right beside the ejb-jar.xml. This script will be automatically run during deployment.
Nested Properties method, queue

Property: method (Asynchronous Method Signature)
Description This specifies the method signature of the asynchronous ejb method.
Only Used If Property queue has the value "".
Default Value false
Legal Values false, true

Property: queue (Asynchronous Queue)
Description This specifies the queue name that the client will send messages to when it wants to asyncronously invoke an EJB method. The server will be "listening" on the JMS queue and will respond by invoking the method.