Class: com.sybase.djc.ant.BindProperty (Bind Property) EAServer 6.3 Help
Description Binds a JNDI lookup name to a component or resource.

Each component and each package has its own private naming context, and the server has a global naming context.

The setProperties "component" or "package" parameter is used to determine which naming context the binding is made in. It is usual to create bindings at the "package" level.

All package-level bindings for local and remote interfaces are copied into the global naming context. If two packages bind the same name to different components, the order of binding into the global naming context is unspecified.

The global naming context is used to resolve lookups from remote clients. Component and package level naming contexts are used to resolve lookups from EJB and web components.

Bindings for resources are not exported outside of the naming context in which they are made.

Bindings can be made explicitly into the global context by applying them to an "application server" or "cluster". This is useful, for example, if you want to assign a global JNDI name to a SQL data source or a JMS resource.

Alternatively, bindings can be made in the naming context for an "application client". The properties used exclusively for this purpose are: lookup, ejbLookup, jmsLookup, factory, url, principal, credentials.

Configuration Package Binding Example:
<setProperties package="ejb.components.example">
  <bind name="myapp/MyComp" component="ejb.components.example.MyCompRemoteHome"/>
  <bind name="myapp/MyOtherComp" interface=""/>
  <bind name="java:comp/env/ejb/MyComp" component="ejb.components.example.MyCompRemoteHome"/>
  <bind name="java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDataSource" dataSource="default"/>
  <bind name="java:comp/env/mail/MyMailSession" mailSession="default"/>
  <bind name="java:comp/env/jms/MyCF" jmsConnectionFactory="default"/>
  <bind name="java:comp/env/jms/MyQueue" messageQueue="abc"/>
Application Client Example:
<setProperties applicationClient="my-client">
  <bind name="java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDataSource" dataSource="default"/>
  <bind name="java:comp/env/ejb/MyOtherComp"
Application Server Example:
<setProperties applicationServer="my-server">
  <bind name="MyDataSource" dataSource="default"/>
Nested Properties administeredObject, component, connectionFactory, credentials, dataSource, ejbLookup, factory, interface, jmsConnectionFactory, jmsLookup, lookup, mailSession, messageQueue, messageTopic, name, principal, queueConnectionFactory, stub, topicConnectionFactory, url

Property: administeredObject (JCA Administered Object)
Description Name of a JCA Administered Object to be bound.

Property: component (Component)
Description Name of a component implementing an EJB local home or remote home interface. (It can also be the name of a component implementing an EJB local or remote or web service endpoint interface, but this is non-standard for EJB 2.1).

The name of the component implementing a local home interface is in the form "ejb.components.example.MyCompLocalHome".

The name of the component implementing a remote home interface is in the form "ejb.components.example.MyCompRemoteHome".

Property: connectionFactory (JCA Connection Factory)
Description Name of a JCA Connection Factory to be bound.

Property: credentials (Security Credentials (Password)))
Description JNDI Security Credentials (password) to be used for accessing remote JNDI provider.

Property: dataSource (JDBC Data Source)
Description Name of a JDBC Data Source to be bound.

Property: ejbLookup (EJB Lookup)
Description Shortcut for lookup where factory is preset to "com.sybase.jms.client.InitialContextFactory".

Property: factory (Initial Context Factory)
Description Initial context factory class for remote JNDI provider.

Property: interface (Interface)
Description Name of a Java (e.g. EJB local home or remote home) interface implemented by one component. If more than one component implements the interface, no binding will be made.

Property: jmsConnectionFactory (JMS Connection Factory)
Description Name of a JMS Connection Factory to be bound.

Property: jmsLookup (JMS Lookup)
Description Shortcut for lookup where factory is preset to "com.sybase.ejb.client.InitialContextFactory".

Property: lookup (Lookup)
Description Name of object to lookup in remote JNDI provider, so that object can be copied into application client's naming context. If you set this, you must also set factory.

Property: mailSession (Java Mail Session)
Description Name of a Java Mail Session to be bound.

Property: messageQueue (JMS Message Queue)
Description Name of a JMS Message Queue to be bound.

Property: messageTopic (JMS Message Topic)
Description Name of a JMS Message Topic to be bound.

Property: name (Name)
Description The JNDI lookup name.

Property: principal (Security Principal (Username))
Description JNDI Security Principal (username) to be used for accessing remote JNDI provider.

Property: queueConnectionFactory (JMS Queue Connection Factory)
Description Name of a JMS Queue Connection Factory to be bound.

Property: stub (Stub)
Description Forces the use of a stub for inter-component calls. Normally, inter-component calls are made directly between lightweight components.

Using this property will slow down inter-component calls, but it may be convenient for avoiding ClassCastException when making calls between components in separately deployed modules. Another alternative is to set the appropriate classPath to enable common loading of classes in the class loader for each deployed module.

Default Value false
Legal Values false, true

Property: topicConnectionFactory (JMS Topic Connection Factory)
Description Name of a JMS Topic Connection Factory to be bound.

Property: url (Provider URL)
Description JNDI Provider URL for remote JNDI provider.