Class: com.sybase.djc.ant.CacheResponseProperty (Cache Response Property) EAServer 6.3 Help
Description This property is used to configure caching of responses from web components (Java server pages and servlets).
Configuration Example:
<setProperties component="web.components.example.MyPage">
  <cacheResponse cacheTimeout="60"/>
Nested Properties cacheTimeout, localeSensitive, requestAttributes, requestHeaders, requestParameters, sessionAttributes, sessionLocal

Property: cacheTimeout (Cache Timeout)
Description The maximum number of seconds that a response stored in cache will be considered valid. A value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
Default Value 60
Minimum Value 0
Maximum Value 2147483647

Property: localeSensitive (Locale Sensitive)
Description Specifies that separate cache areas should be used depending on the client's locale. If page content differs according to the client's locale, it can thus still be cached effectively.
Default Value true
Legal Values false, true

Property: requestAttributes (Request Attributes)

Property: requestHeaders (Request Headers)
Description Comma-separated list of names of any HTTP request headers that should be used as part of the cache lookup key. If separate cache entries should be kept depending on the value of certain headers, the header names should be listed.

Property: requestParameters (Request Parameters)
Description Comma-separated list of names of any HTTP request parameters that should be used as part of the cache lookup key. If separate cache entries should be kept depending on the value of certain parameters, the parameter names should be listed.

The name "*" indicates that all request parameters should be used. This is the default because parameterised pages usually return different content for each unique combination of parameter values.

Default Value *

Property: sessionAttributes (Session Attributes)
Description Comma-separated list of names of any HTTP session attributes that should be used as part of the cache lookup key. If separate cache entries should be kept depending on the value of certain attributes, the attributes names should be listed.

Property: sessionLocal (Session Local)
Description Specifies that separate cache areas should be used depending on the client's session. If page content differs according to the client's session, it can thus still be cached effectively.
Default Value false
Legal Values false, true