Class: com.sybase.djc.ant.Csiv2Property (CSIV2 Property) EAServer 6.3 Help
Description Configures CORBA CSIv2 (Common Secure Interoperability version 2) characteristics for a component.

Configuration is achieved using an XML (Ant) configuration script, such as the following:

<setProperties component="ejb.components.example.MyCompRemote">
  <csiv2 qop="nossl" supportedid="ITTPrincipalName,ITTX509CertChain,ITTAnonymous,ITTDistinguishedName" identitytype="entrustInClient"/>
Nested Properties identityType, qop, supportedID

Property: identityType (Identity Type)
Description The value can be 'none' or 'entrustInClient'. 'none' client_authentication_token in GSSUP included in IOR is not populated. 'entrustInClient' client_authentication_token in GSSUP included in IOR needs to be populated with username/password.
Default Value none

Property: qop (Quality of Protection)
Description The value can be nossl, mutual and server. When the value is nossl, the IIOP requests accessing this component don't necessarily be in SSL. It can either be SSL or no SSL depending how the communcation is initiated When the value is server, the confidentiality of the data transferred in the IIOP requests has to ensured. So an SSL request is guaranteed between client and server When the value is mutual, the identity of each of the two peers has to be trusted by the other one. this guarantee an SSL connection with mutual authentication.
Default Value nossl

Property: supportedID (Supported ID)
Description Comma-separated list of supported CSIv2 asserted identity types component accepts from client. If client obtains component reference from the Interoperable Name Service, IOR will be embedded with necessary CSIv2 information that conveys the component authentication requirements. Valid values: 'ITTAbsent' asserted identity not supported by component, 'ITTAnonymous' - component accepts if client does not send any security credentials, 'ITTPrincipalName' - component accepts an asserted username, 'ITTX509CertChain' - component accepts an X.509 Asserted identity, 'ITTDistinguishedName' - component accepts an X.501 Distinguished name. 'none' is the same as ITTAbsent.
Default Value ITTPrincipalName,ITTX509CertChain,ITTAnonymous,ITTDistinguishedName