Class: com.sybase.djc.ant.WebServiceRefTask (Web Service Ref Task) EAServer 6.3 Help
Description This task is used to define a Web Service Reference.
Configuration Example:
  <webServiceRef configName="${}" package="${}" serviceRefName="service/HiWS" merge="false">
  <property name="wsdlLocation" value="~/deploy/webapps/hiwsclient/WEB-INF/wsdl/HiWS.wsdl"/>
  <service name="HiWS">
    <port name="HiWSSEIPort" binding="tns:HiWSSEIBinding" location="http://mymachinename:8000/it/worked"/>
  <property name="jaxrpcMappingFile" value="~/deploy/webapps/hiwsclient/WEB-INF/HiWS-mapping.xml"/>

<webServiceRef configName="${}" package="${}"
         ejbName="com_sun_ts_tests_common_vehicle_ejb_EJBVehicle" serviceRefName="service/handlersec">      
  <portComponent serviceEndpointInterface="com.sun.ts.tests.webservices.handler.HandlerSec.TestAuth" wsdlPort="TestAuthPort">
    <stubProperty name="" value="javajoe"/>
    <stubProperty name="" value="javajoe"/>

Task Parameters componentName, ejbProvider, jaxrpcMappingFile, wsdlLocation

Property: componentName (When exposing an EJB as a WebService, specifies the name of the EJB Component implementing the WebService.)
Description When exposing an EJB as a WebService, specifies the name of the EJB Component implementing the WebService.

Property: ejbProvider (EJB Provider)
Description Specifies the name of an EjbProvider to use to connect to an EJB being exposed as a WebService.

Property: jaxrpcMappingFile (Specifies the location of the JAX RPC Mapping file for the WebService.)
Description Specifies the location of the JAX RPC Mapping file for the WebService.

Property: wsdlLocation (Specifies the location of the WSDL file for the WebService.)
Description Specifies the location of the WSDL file for the WebService.